Within a period of 3 months of the purchase date, buyers can send back items for free repairs. Buyers pay the shipping fees for sending the item back to us, while we pay the shipping fees for resending the item back to the buyer.
If the item is more than 3 months old, buyers can still send them back for repair. However, the buyer is responsible for paying all the shipping fees when the item is initially returned to us and when it is despatched to them. This means that the buyer must pay the shipping fee to us before the item is returned for repair.
Note: If the buyer has damaged the item(s) and some components need to be changed, we will charge for the original value of the components.
Other special product warranty :
For women’s clothing bags, shoes, toys, cosplay costumes, watches, flashlights, phone and ipad accessories
Returns are accepted within 7 days from the date you received for an exchange or store credit only if received damaged, defective, or the wrong item(s).
The merchandise must be returned unworn with tags and sanitary liner (for swimwear) intact and must be accompanied by the RMA form.
For custom made products
Custom made products may not be returned for a refund or exchange; unless received damaged, defective, or the wrong item(s).
If you keep returning back the item, we will charge you 50%restocking fee.
Most items covered by the Product Warranty can be returned for either a refund or for a replacement of the same item or another similar product as per our Return Policy.